About Us

The Story Told is a long-running podcast focused on table-top role-playing games. Logan, and his co-host Griffin, meet every other week to discuss the gaming world. In addition to interviews with talented content-creators, they share reviews of exciting new games (and old favorites too!), all in admiration of the greatest hobby in the world. On opposite weeks join them as they stream an actual play of one of their favorite games, featuring their creative friends and gripping adventures!

The Team

Griffin Horn (He/Him) is a playwright, teacher, and podcaster. His full-length plays include Our Hopeful Anxious Hearts, Trade, and The Lotus-Eaters, all presented in readings at Temple University, where he received his Playwriting MFA. His short plays include Crossfade, and The Safeword is “Pilates,” produced by Hot Metal Arts Collective at the People’s Improv Theatre. He has taught playwriting through McCarter Theatre Center, Arena Stage, The Young Playwrights’ Theatre, and Temple University. He is the co-host of The Story Told, a tabletop gaming podcast where he also runs The Body Electric, a Promethean: the Created actual play.

Griffin Horn

Kim Cicconi

Kim Cicconi (She/Her) is a cosplayer, voice actor, cabaret performer, and woman of the demi-monde. She's been playing tabletop games since high school—and actually reading the rules since 2011. Her theater credits include being the responsible adult behind burlesque performer Penny Alfredo, who is absolutely not, under any circumstances, Kim in a wig. Having tormented Griffin as a player for over a decade, Kim joined The Story Told podcast as a player on their Promethean: the Created 2nd Edition actual play, The Body Electric. She now edits the AP episodes, produces the City Of Mist actual play The Serenity Files, and interrupts meaningful conversations with silly voices. 

Socials: Twitter, Instagram (cosplay), Instagram

Logan Rollins (He/They) is a game lover and designer who has been gaming since 1995. He has an MFA in photography from SCAD. Some favorite games include Changeling the Dreaming, Tribe 8, Exalted, and Wanderhome. He is one of the developers of the forthcoming Forged in the Dark adaptation of Tribe 8, Tribes in the Dark, and has published multiple titles for Changeling the Dreaming on the DrivethruRPG Storytellers Vault. When not gaming, Rollins likes to write poetry and go on inane tangents; which you often hear on his podcast, The Story Told. He lives in NYC with an adorable French Bulldog named Oona, who he will gladly use to get out of trouble. Soon, Logan hopes to publish his first RPG, inspired by a beloved reality show.

Socials: Twitter Insta

Logan Rollins